April 21, 2020
Kia Ora all,
Starting to get some clarity and there is cause to be optimistic as we hopefully begin to cycle down the alert levels. This is how they look currently:
NO Rugby at Alert Level 4 or 3.
NO Rugby at Alert Level 2 – (Non-contact sports will be possible. Rugby and Rip rugby are considered contact, as by definition players are within 1 metre). Trainings and preparation for rugby will be able to begin in a reduced capacity incorporating the social distancing (1m)
YES Rugby at Alert Level 1 – This will be rugby as we know it. With the addition of sensible hygiene practices and a compulsory register for the purpose of contact tracing. (This is NOT as daunting as first envisioned, it can be as simple as a pen and paper or excel spreadsheet at the venue).
The unknown is how quickly we will cycle down the alert levels. It could be really quickly or stay at level 2 for example for months. Its likely that different regions will have different alert levels which would work in our favor. Things are moving quickly and Im hopeful that we will have some real clarity in the following week or two.
We will be in contact as more information becomes available. Our plan for a second round club and school competition is certainly a possibility at this stage and we will continue working towards this as our goal. Ferdie Rugby will also commence at the earliest possible opportunity.
Cole Brown (Community Rugby Manager)